Fine Hair


Basic PONY-O instructions for curly hair. Ponytails are as easy as 1-2!

  • Fine hair looks and feels thicker.
  • Your hair stays in place all day.
  • Completely non-damaging and crease-free.
  • Great for all of your hair up.

Scrunchies and elastics don’t hold fine hair! Five minutes in they’re sliding out, leaving you with a saggy and lifeless ponytail. These fine-haired friends love how the PONY-O gives their hair more fullness and holds all day without damage. Plus it looks great in fine hair. Check it out for yourself.


The PONY2.O is narrower than the PONY-O.

  • Designed for sections of hair or super-fine hair.
  • Sections of fine hair looks and feels thicker.
  • Your hair stays in place all day.
  • Completely non-damaging and crease-free.

Create a variety of stylish and elegant buns without bobby pins and elastics!

  • Easy to use.
  • Secure, comfortable and completely non-damaging even in fine hair.
  • Fine hair looks thicker and fuller.
  • Stays all day!

Make your PONY-O pop by dressing it up with our exclusive BLING RINGZ!

  • Available in a variety of styles and colors.
  • Strong magnetic clasp keeps it in place all day or night.

This incredibly easy style will make your fine hair look thick and full. Use your original size PONY-O. Kick it up a notch by accessorizing it with your favorite BLING RING!


This classic hairstyle is a fine-haired girl’s best friend. It’s great for work, special events, or even those days when you just don’t want to fuss with your hair! For the best results, use your original size PONY-O.


Our patented BUN BARZ will help you create a variety of buns. The Bow Bun is a really fun style and exclusively ours.


This fun style is so simple! You can wear it messy or clean and polished. Fine hair looks full and stays in place.


This is THE ULTIMATE Classic style. All you need for this up-do that is secure all day without bobby pins, is your original PONY-O. Perfect for parties and weddings, your friends will never believe you have fine hair.

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