Q. Shipping

Standard delivery typically takes around 3-5 business days, and express typically takes 1-3 days

Q. Returns/Refunds

We offer a 30 day money back guarantee from date of purchase, less shipping cost, for all unused pieces. Shipping is the responsibility of the customer

Q. Office Hours

Our office is available to answer all of your questions Monday through Friday 9am-5pm, you may contact us via phone 0499 932 232 or by email PONYO.Australia@gmail.com

Q. Cancelling an Order

To cancel, please contact us within 30 minutes of placing your order. We will be happy to assist you! Once you receive the confirmation email, it means your order is already being processed and cannot be changed or cancelled by you or our Customer Care team.

Q. Incorrect Address

To avoid an undelivered or returned package, please ensure that the address you've provided is correct. Should a customer provide an incorrect address, there will be a charge for shipping another order.

Q. Guaranteed Delivery

All order delivery is guaranteed by PONY-O.

Q. I haven’t received my order

If you have not received your order, please notify us within 2 weeks of receipt. Delays in contacting us may limit options for locating a package.
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